Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Architecture & construction

The past few days we've been doing careers for Architecture & construction the two careers I have picked are a construction manager, and an Exhibit Designer. A Construction Manager is someone who watches other people builds things, and make sure it's done correctly. They have to plan and coordinate the construction times, and people. Also, they have to develop control programs, so everything doesn't get out of hand. Also, by doing this interesting job, you can make a lot of money. For the US, it's $82,790 per year. And, I also looked up the price in New York, because I'd like to live there, there annual wage is higher it's $98,400. I think this job would be kind of difficult because it would take a lot of your time. For this job it's best if you have a Bachelor's degree, but you don't have too. You need several years of related experience  and on the job training. The other job I picked was an Exhibit Designers.They design movies, televeision, and theater sets.  For this job you need a Bachelors degree, also lots of work-related skills, or on the job training. For the US it's $50,300 annual. I again picked New York and it's more the annual is $71,000. I picked these two jobs because they looked interesting, but then I came to realize that a Set & Exhibit Designer would be boring. I find a construction manager really interesting though. I've always been interested in building things, so this is a job I might look into.

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